What is portion control (PC) diet?

A portion control diet is not really diet, it is a lifestyle change as we train our body to eat less from every portion of a balanced diet. According to Lisa Young PhD, RD author of the portion teller plan: The no-diet reality guide to eating, cheating, and losing weight permanently. 'You don't want to feel like you're on a diet, but you have to eat fewer calories.' An average woman needs to eat around 2000 calorie while for a male 2500 calorie a day to maintain their weight but to loose weight around one pound a week a woman needs 1500 calorie while a male needs 2000 calorie. However, it depends upon different factors.

A portion is what one puts on ones plate, while a serving is the exact amount of food and this serving size can help one at practicing portion control. This can be  through various ways for example using everyday objects as a measure or simply by using smaller plates and glasses to cut down the amount of food or drink one consumes. One can divide a plate into sections of different food groups or use their hands as different foods corresponds to different shapes and parts of hand. Hence, usage of measuring equipment can help awareness and correct assessment of how much food is eaten. There are different techniques to stick to portion control which will be discussed later for example keeping a track of total calorie intake which can motivate to make healthier choices and reduce the chance of overeating.

So the question now is how to start this diet process, the answer to this is to first learn about what a are the food groups and how many portions of different food can be consumed in order to loose weight. click on the link to get started: Knowing different food groups of Portion Control (PC)


  1. I love carbs but they are dangerous for me. I have diabetes I try to avoid them but sometimes like who doesn't love a donut, anyways thank you for this information

    1. bless you hope I can cover a topic on carbs and diabetes

  2. That is a very interesting post, and an important one too.

    1. Thankyou hope i can cover some more important topics

  3. I try to avoid too much carbs in my diet and focus on protein and lean vegetables.

    1. Each to its own but avoiding carbs will produce toxins which will affect kidneys

  4. This post is absolutely amazing! people should really be aware about the needs of the body and not just cut carbs or other nutrients just because it's the new trend to lose weight!
    Thank you for sharing this!

    1. very well said people are moving towards hot trends rather than being healthy. Thankyou and please do stay tuned for more freshly brewed content

  5. Such a great and in-depth explanation, thank you so much! I didn't know so much goes behind the science of protein and carbohydrate intake. I'm amazed!

    1. Thanky there is much more for everyone to discover. Please do stay tuned for more freshly brewed content.

  6. Thanks for the detailed info on the different food groups. I'm currently on a keto diet and consume mostly lean meat, eggs and non-starchy veggies. I also eat plain yogurt and a bit of cheese here and there, as well as berries. I'm always interested in reading other views on healthy eating habits!

    1. Its great to read that you are heath concious but in my opinion cutting down carbs leads to many deficiencies plus you are missing out on such delicious food. You can lose weight by eating everything that is what my posts are about and have given exact measurements of how much to eat please do read the carb section to gain more knowledge hope you enjoy https://attusloveforfood.blogspot.com/2020/02/what-are-carbs-in-portion-control-for-weight-loss.html

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. Yes, learning a proper way to eat is great, specially for the people who struggle with weight. Thanks for sharing this information :)

  9. A very informative post. I have lost 20 kgs over a period of 18 months and one of the things I did was reduce portions. I have to admit I did not go.into the science of it - will do so now. Thanks for sharing.

    1. awesome to know you lost weight with portion control please stay tuned

  10. Portion control is definitely something I struggle with! x

    1. here portion control is made easy please stay tuned for more freshly brewed content

  11. I strongly believe that portion control is the most important thing with weight loss!

  12. Great content! Super high-quality! Keep it up! :)

    1. Thankyou stay tuned for more freshlybrewed content

  13. I need to learn the portion control diet. I have been struggling with it a bit.

  14. All i know about the portion control is to eat less portion but just more frequently LOL so Thanks for sharing this post!

  15. Well, this is my first time knowing about the PC and it seems interesting.

  16. Portions in the US are huge! Just bc you are served that much food does not mean you have to eat it, although I sometimes feel bad for wasting it too. I try to order half size meals when eating out to make portions more reasonable.

  17. Wow this post it helps me to lose my weight I'm on diet right thanks for this I've learned something to help my losing weight.,

  18. I always try to do portions in any meal. You see me eat an array of foods during breakfast, lunch, and dinner. And small sizes is what I aim for each food group. It is important to eat a balanced and properly sized meal.

  19. Understand the food groups and portion sizes is important even if you are not trying to lose weight. This is a great post!

  20. I can have an endless list of carbs that I enjoy to indulge in. I do practice portion control as well as an 8-9 hr fast twice a week for my weight loss journey !

  21. I love that you said it's not a diet but a lifestyle change. We can improve so much with a few lifestyle changes and the commitment to stick with 'em. Thanks for sharing.

  22. I think that portion control is quite hard to do, especially when you are trying to follow the official guidelines. I always find them so small. It's important to replace high calorie foods with low ones that fill you better.


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