What are carbs ? In portion control for weight loss

Carbohydrates also known as carbs are one of the essential food group in a balanced diet. However, there is a misconception that carbohydrates prevent weight loss, that is totally not true infact one third of ones diet should contain carbs. Since carbohydrates make energy for body, they are broken down into sugar and excluding them from your diet may result in B vitamin deficiency, which is responsible for hormones, cell structure and nerve function. Therefore, carbs benefits ones body and it is mandatory to know what are carbohydrates?

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  • rice
  • pastas
  • breads
  • cereals
  • potatoes
What types of carbs should be consumed?
There is a variety available in markets but one should go for the right choice. Hence, brown bread, grainy breads such as multigrain and whole meal breads are good carbs. In the rice category brown rice and basmati rice are best for the purpose. In cereals opt for oats or wheat cereals and biscuits for example wheatabix, lastly, potatoes should be taken with skin and the potatoes should be small in size. All these carbs are good and recommended for weight loss since they are a slow release which makes one fuller for longer period of time which curbs cravings. While bad carbs include biscuits cakes desserts etc and should be avoided or taken in very less amount, we will cover this in Treat section.

How often should be taken?
Since we now know the importance of carbohydrates one should include carbs in each meal of a day which means carbs should be consumed three times a day including breakfast, lunch and dinner.

How much should be taken?
As we have established one third of our diet should be from this group now it is time to know how much should be taken for weight loss? There should be 6 portions of carbs taken each day in order to loose weight. The female species of the society needs around 4 to 6 portions while males need around 7 to 8 portions of carbs per day.

What is a portion of carb?
There is no rocket science in understanding what a portion means, below is a chart which describes 1 portion of carbohydrates. Therefore, if we take example of cooked rice according to the chart 1 portion should contain 80 grams of rice and according to portion control weight loss program one can take two portions of carbs which means 160 grams of rice can be taken for breakfast 160 for lunch and 160 for dinner (this make 6 portions of carbs a day) make sure not to exceed it unless you are a male for whom 7 to 8 portions for weigt loss is enough.The chart explains three measures by grams, cups and tablespoon. one may choose whichever measure they feel easy with.

Click to know about protein portion for weightloss

photo courtesy Fareeha Jay practicing dietician



  1. Lots of great information! Good read!

    1. Thanks stay tuned for more freshly brewed cntent

  2. Carbs - the five letter word we have learned to hate...I can usually get away from breads, pastas and cereals, but I do like potatoes. My motto is everything in moderation! It's so great you shared info about the good carbs! Candice Rice www.crazymatter.com

    1. Eating in moderation is everything. Ill definitely have a look at your website

  3. I try to not eat too much carbs on a daily basis. Thanks for sharing this information!

    1. Now you may eat it in portions yet feel fuller and maintain weight happy reading🙂

  4. Good post! Portion sizes are really important -- I have worked very hard to manage my portions now that I am older. I also like eating whole wheat foods -- the better-for-you carbs. Thanks for sharing!

    1. You absolutely chose the best for yourself thanks for reading please do stay tuned for more freshly brewed content

  5. I had to watch my carbs during my last pregnancy and I learned so much about them! They’re a lot more intricate than I ever thought. Thanks for sharing all of this info!

    1. Thank you do stay tuned for more freshly brewed content

  6. I have to admit carbs are my weakness. I try to keep it under control with portion sizes.

    1. That is great do stay tuned for more freshly brewed content

  7. Carbs constitute a major part of our everyday diet, I sometimes struggle to keep the portions in check. You really gave a very good insight into this. Thank you.

    1. Hope it works for you thank you and do stay tuned for more freshly brewed content

  8. Lots of good information. I didn't know how carbs work into our diets and how can we control them.

    1. Thank you glad it helped please do stay tuned for more freshly brewed content

  9. This is very helpful, thanks for all of the information on this!

    1. Thank you please stay tuned for more freshly brewed content

  10. I used to love carbs but changed to a healthier diet, this was a great read. thank you!

    1. Thank you please stay tuned for more freshly brewed content

  11. Nice post. I eat a lot of carbs, but from this year I am trying to reduce the intake.

    1. All the best for your missionnhope the pots help you on track

  12. People fear carbs but they shouldn’t. They are one of the main food groups for energy.

    1. That's right please stay tuned for more freshly brewed content

  13. I've been trying to the "bad" carbs from diet but keeping the ones from my veggies. All carbs are not created equally but knowing proper portion sizes and what which ones are better for you than others can really help you to have a healthier diet.

    1. Thats correct please stay tuned for more freshly brewed content

  14. Wow very informative. I lessen my carb intake before and I really feel good already. taking too much is not good to our body so we better really watch out how many and when we are going to take carb foods

    1. That's absolutely correct please stay tuned for more freshly brewed content

  15. This is a very detailed post about carbs. Thank you for sharing, because this answered some of the questions I have had.

    1. Glad to see it helped please stay tuned for more freshly brewed content

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